Little White Lights
I love little white lights. I would put them up at Easter, the Fourth of July, and Halloween if I could. I will even eat at a restaurant simply because it has little white lights in ficus plants. Even fake ficus plants. I can't help it. It was planted in my blood at birth. The moment I popped out and saw the lamp above my doctor's head. Lights were good. Lights brought life, and breath, and peace. And so it was.
So why in the world would anyone begrudge the happiness that little white lights bring to a holiday season that symbolizes a period of bringing peace and joy to others?
My excitement over our holiday lights going up today was met by some with hesitation and bewilderment as to how we could possibly be putting lights up before Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is about being grateful. Grateful for the freedom to put up lights all year round if we wish. It is about appreciating that some of my friends this year will be gifting on Hanukkah - on the same day we'll be saying grace. Thanksgiving is a part of the holiday season. It is a moment to gather with loved ones to remind us of all that is good in this world. Good that illuminated in the hearts of passers-by when they capture a glance of a house in white lights.
So I apologize if anyone is disturbed by my lights, the ones going up a week earlier than most. I am sorry if they bother or anger those who are not ready to be a holiday host. But please, I implore you, to allow me to rejoice, with my little white lights for when peace has a voice. And save your anger for things that deserve such a noise.
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